Tuesday, April 10, 2007

A Toast

Mmmmm, Niko's first day of preschool. Here I sit, childless and happy. He was actually supposed to start yesterday, but his immunizations weren't up to date, so after six shots (sorry, son!) he's there today. He cried during his shots, of course, as I would have done if held down with needles sticking out of both arms and legs. But I bribed him with fries and chicken nuggets, and within five minutes he was his bouncy self, pointing out the stars on the Atlas in the back seat.

He was a little clingy today when I left him at the school, which surprised me just a bit. Because he's always so eager to dive into the fray and ditch his mama. So I cuddled him, and his teacher pointed out the stars in the classroom, and they were hand in hand when I said goodbye and left. I think this is a marvelous thing.

I had all of these glorious plans that I would accomplish while he was at school. Making jewelery, for example, since Niko wouldn't eat my supplies. Or refinishing the kitchen table and eventually the piano. But this first day? I am going to put my feet up and toast the world with Coke. Because. We all deserve it. We've worked hard to get here, yes we have. Cheers, babe.

We had our first meeting with our neighbors that we're buying the house from. You know, to do the paperwork, and all of that. I'm sure it would have been charming from an outsider's point of view. The four of us go to the same church and are friends, and neither had agents, so we gathered around their kitchen table while the kids all played together. Another friend from the ward, who used to be a real estate agent, showed up to explain any terminology that we had questions about. Which turned out to be a LOT, because really, the wordage to this! So my friends who had bought houses had warned me about this part, that you end up shelling out money for all of these extra things. Not us. We all looked at each other with our blue, blue eyes, joked our way through, and then ate brownies and ice cream afterward. Really cut throat.

This house is absolutely perfect, down to the Star Jasmine in the front yard. We had that on our mailbox at our old apartment in our last, beautiful city, and that tiny little thing just makes me want to smile.

Niko spent a majority of the time playing with their washer and dryer, of course. Of course. Just getting used to it before the big move next month.


Rachel said...

Cheers to you! First day of school, buying houses, and all that. I've got a tear in my eye ...

Andrea said...

Mercedes--I found you! I am happy to hear about all of the good news. Andrea