Saturday, September 20, 2008

Down Time

The kids are sick, Luke's working all day even though it's Saturday, and I've had a migraine for about two days now. All I want to do is sleep, but I'm trying to soldier through because I'm home alone with the kids. But Six Little Things went up today, if anybody would like a charming little read. I quite like how he did the colors and layout, and I'm pleased to be a part of it.


AmyNPyper said...

I loved it! You are amazing....can I be just like you when I grow up?

Katie said...

You are so talented. That makes me want to bake a rhubarb pie.

Unknown said...

I hope your kids get better soon and that you find relief from the headache! I love your stories and you! What an example of love and how hard would that be?! I'll never look at strawberry rhubarb pie in the same way again.

Amy said...

Nicely done. I have half a frozen strawberry rhubarb pie in my freezer just waiting for a special occasion.

Andrea, Mrs. said...

You are my hero.

Unknown said...

yes, I have to agree with everyone, you are pretty amazing. I can't even post what I did when I wasn't feeling well! I enjoyed reading your story and do like the layout / pictures. Wishing you all a speedy recovery! I'm gonna look up rhubarb pie now.