Monday, June 21, 2010

Writing Time! And Niko's Book! And The Anthology!

My father is down visiting for a day.  He took Niko to speech therapy, and when Nina bounced around (in her pink tutu) and said, "Imma come too!" he took her as well.  He's giving me two and a half hours of unanticipated writing time.  I am so wonderfully grateful! I will have another chapter finished in my Williams book by the time he returns, and that makes me very happy.

Today is the first day that I really sat and read through what I had written so far.  I'm struck again and again by what an amazing journey it has been, and will continue to be.  Niko has come so far, and I'm very proud of him.  In fact, I'm very proud of all of us.

In other news, I was able to officially announce that SUPER SPECIAL AWESOME anthology that is coming out in October!  It has an absolutely amazing list of authors that I'm delighted and awed to share a table of contents with.  (Anybody ever hear of True Blood?  Coraline?  Fight Club?!)  I am so humbled.  Come see the book cover and the Table of Contents here.  I can't tell you how thrilled I am! :D

1 comment:

Belkycita said...

You truly have a nice dad!
and WOW!!!! for the book. SO sweet, I am very much needing more reading material.