Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Well, it's official. We're screwed.

Okay, so maybe it isn't that bad. Ask me after homemade pizza and tonight's episode of America's Next Top Model, and perhaps I'll have a much cheerier outlook.

Niko survived his cold, and then days later came down with a particularly nasty stomach bug. He's a bag of bones anyway, but he's lost more weight, and now Nina has it, too. The doctor doesn't think that he needs to come in until he hits a list of criteria, and thankfully he isn't that ill yet. And I think he's improving. But he's been lying on the floor/bed/my lap since last Friday. Today is Wednesday, for those who are interested.

This is a sad thing on its own, but my grandfather passed away a few days ago and we're planning on driving sickie children seven hours to the funeral. Which I'm singing in. Some of the family is "in" on the Williams thing, and some really will have no clue as to Niko's funeral behavior. Luke and my father have both volunteered to watch the kids in a spare room in the church if necessary, and of course it will be necessary. Niko is constantly squirreling under the pews and vaulting for freedom, although if he still continues to be listless...perhaps I should look at his weariness as a good thing. "What a well behaved child!" somebody might say to me. (That has never happened before, so of course this is a beautiful fantasy of mine.) "Thanks, he's sick," I'll say, and traipse off for what I am certain will be the post-service scuffle.

Usually I am much more optimistic than this. It doesn't come especially naturally, but I try. I have faith and hope and wonderful family and friends. I feel support. But some days, don't you just want to throw your hands up in the air and hit Cold Stone Creamery? I do. Oh man, DO I.

Meanwhile, Nina is babbling. Da da da blah blah nuh nuh nuh. She makes more sounds than Niko ever did, and she's six months old. Perhaps they'll chat together. She adores her big brother. Niko's sticking his fingers in his ears and humming/yelling more than ever now. Apparently I put his socks on too loudly. I'll be more careful of this in the future. :P And his hair? With all the rolling around on the floor, it has gone totally Cloud Strife. Totally fantastic! Google my geekdom, people. ;)


Ginneh Akbar said...

Hi Mercedes,

My name is Ginneh. I have a daughter that is 10 months old who has been having a whole HOST of problems. We are trying desperately to find a diagnosis. Today we had an appointment with a cardiologist today (beacuse of a diagnosed heart murmur this past weekend) who said she had a small (short?) pulmonary artery which is causing the murmur. I asked him with all the info that I had given him, combined with the info today about the small/short pulmonary artery, it is mainly a characteristic of Williams' Syndrome. So, of course in all my infinite internet wisdom, I came home to google (well actually before I even left the office from my cell phone!) and stumbled on your page. I have read a lot of Williams (over the past 30 minutes lol) and SOOOO MANY of the symptoms seems to match my baby. Even things that I have thought about as being strange or mentioned to my husband but he has dismissed as me being a neurotic new mother.

Anyhow, I was wondering, I didn't get to read your whole blog so forgive me if I missed this, what kinds of things did you notice when your baby was just an infant? And how did you come to the diagnosis? Did a physican suggest it? What kind of doctor do you see that primarily treats your son? So many questions!!

I know you are a busy mom, but I would love it if you could email me oneday if you have the time. My email is Thanks in advance for your help.


Noel said...

I hope that both of the kids start feeling better soon. Like you said though, Niko being sick could be okay if it means you make it through the funeral without having to chase him the whole time and explain.
I am sorry that you lost your grandfather. Have a safe trip.


LizzyP said...

Mercedes, I come hear to read your blog and enjoy what your clever wit and articulate thinking produces. I wish I could go to a funeral with your little Niko--I'd volunteer to be your nanny for the weekend if it would help . . .

Ava's Grandma Kim said...

I love your blog! Just found you today and will check in regularly. I think you will love Nancy, one of my blog mates. Go to my blog and click on "Erik" to get to Nancy's blog. She's a writer, too.

Rachel said...

Hey Lady! I should just send you email. Rummaging around the other day, I found this slip of paper with a Burger King order on it - took a minute but I realized it was what you and Luke requested your fabulous doula run out and get you guys the night before Niko was born! I'll send it to you for a scrapbook or just fun memories. Miss you!