Saturday, September 03, 2005

First Steps

Journal Entry, July 24, 2005

We're down in Luke's hometown for family reunions. While visiting everybody, Niko took his first steps! He kind of hunkered down and took three quick steps before falling. The cabin erupted into applause. We were so proud! Tonight Luke's cousins were over, and Niko was in fine form. He spun, did downward dog, laughed, bounced, crawled, chased, stood, flirted, rolled balls, balanced, crawled in laps, tried to bite, walked on his knees, waved, did "You're A Winner", clapped his hands, ate name it. He was the life of the party, all eyes on him, and he totally worked the audience. It was one of the funniest things I had ever seen. He was so conscious of everybody paying attention to him. That night he collapsed in bed, weary from the show. What an entertainer.

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