Thursday, March 23, 2006

All's Well With the World

You know those days when all is well with the world? Well, today is one of those days. Niko turns three soon, so we're doing that exhausting search for the right preschool. I'm not one of those die-hards that think if he doesn't get in the right preschool, that will screw up his chance for elementary, middle school, high school, and college. But I don't want the teachers to hang from the chandelier and set themselves on fire, as teachers are wont to do, so I am told. So we're looking. Appointments and phone calls and emails...blah. But today. Ah, today, I blew all of that off. I gave myself five phone calls to make, and when that was done, I bundled up my giggling little boy and we had a grand morning of it. I dressed up, and Niko looked debonair. We ran errands, rode in carts, touched all the soft and slightly crispy fabrics in the craft store. I bought jewelry making supplies and a yard and a half of beautiful black and white fabric for a skirt. Everything was funny. Every move I made was fascinating, every expression he made was adorable, every song was the best one ever sung. I lifted him into the car, snuggled him, and told him that his company was a pleasure. I called my parents to tell them what a great day it was. Niko sat in his high chair, giggling as I hemmed my new skirt, and looked properly appreciative (so I thought) when I showed it off. Marilyn and Jason came over to watch America's Next Top Model and we laughed and booed at the TV and begged Nikolai not to turn it off. Then we all sang to him, prayed, and put him to bed. Tomorrow, of course, it's back to the grind. Wake up, go to Niko's school. Purchase his new shoe inserts...he's out of the corrective boots but still needs a little extra help for alignment.` Snacks are always a pain...I hold up a chart with pictures, and he takes the one of the snack he wants, hands it to me, and then I hand him the goldfish cracker, or the piece of toast, or the bottle. Both physical therapy and speech therapy. But tomorrow night, I'll go for a good, three mile run. I'll listen to Russian pop (great beat) and heavy guitar driven alternative, and I will run run run until everything is great again, and I'll have this wonderful feeling, that all's well with the world, just like how I feel today.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I am SO glad that you had such a wonderful day. I hope things continue to be such. Cuddle your Niko for me today, would ya?