Thursday, July 31, 2008

Attention, Parents:

The superintendent won't be in until Monday. Tomorrow is the Principal's first day back, and I'll finally have the opportunity to speak to him. The advocate said that in every nonverbal child's IEP we should write, "My child won't be able to tell me if there is abuse at school" under parental concerns. So that we have a plan in place. So that we have ammunition farther down the road. "I've been telling you that I'm concerned about this for FOUR YEARS," we can say. What an awful thing, but we're going to add it to his next IEP.

You know. For the next time that this happens.

Anyway, I've done all that I can do for the day. Nina is sleeping soundly, and Niko is jumping on the couch, grinning. I'm tired and worn and fighting off bitterness. I need to remember who we are, and we're more than this. We're not Williams Syndrome. We're not abused children. We are ourselves, and we are strong, and kind. And alive.


Anonymous said...

I'm so proud of you, Mercedes. You're the only person I know who could be so strong through this sort of thing. I, myself, would have been in court by now, trying to get the teacher fired... That is, of course, assuming I had the drive. You really do make me see that the world is alive and kicking, and I should be too.

Tes said...

I am sending you and your family lots of positive thoughts. Give yourself a pat and drink if needed. Enjoy those babies, live your life cause it still rocks! Digging your music i thinks me has found some new groups thank to you!
Big hug

Katie said...

Just know that there are a lot of people behind you, if only from afar!